segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

Ligação da Host Famlily...

Hi People,

Não se iludam pensando que uma host family me ligou...
na vdd até era pra ter ligado pq eu recebi um email informando q uma host da Virginia
estava com o meu dossie, o prazo era até hj pra eles me ligarem mas até agora nada,
quem sabe até anoite né, mas eu recebi um email muito bom sobre a tal ligação da host
e queria postar pra ajudar as outras futuras au pairs:

  1. Ask about the children, their ages, what they like to do.
  2. Ask about the climate, what types of activities are available in the area.
  3. Has the family ever had an au pair before? If so, have they had an au pair from your country?
  4. What type of area does the family live in?
  5. What types of activities does the family participate in? What does the family do on weekends?
  6. Do they like sports, movies, computers, etc?
  7. Why has the family chosen to host an au pair?
  8. Are there other au pairs in the area?
  9. What type of clothes should you bring?
  10. What type of jobs do the parents have? Where do the parents work?
  11. What is a typical day like for the family?
  12. What are your typical working hours?
  13. Will you be asked to prepare meals for the kids? What type of food does the family eat? Would the family like you to prepare meals from your country?
  14. Are there specific recipes you can learn to cook before you arrive? (A great idea is to prepare a recipe book or menu of meals you would be willing to cook for the children.)
  15. Discuss: driving, weather conditions, how often you will need to drive. Will you be expected to drive the children to school and activities?
  16. How do the children feel about a new au pair joining the family? Did the family have a good relationship with their last au pair?
Espero mesmo que ajudem vocês, Good Luck 4 us !!!!

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